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A Figma Plugin for Design Tokens?

December 29, 2020
A Figma Plugin for Design Tokens?

I recently began exploring Figma's developer API to try and make a few processes a bit better at the day job.

It all started out with a problem we were facing when trying to make our hand-off for design system components a bit easier between design and engineering - so I started fumbling around with building a custom plugin to find a way to help ease that burden.

I was first inspired to venture into building a plugin after browsing other indie plugins and reading about Spotify's in-house plugins.


If you're interested in building a plugin to fix a problem on your own projects, here are a few resources I used:

What do I need to know?

If you're familiar with some basic web development, and even if you're not, building Figma Plugins is really easy - it would be helpful to know:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript (Typescript helps!)
  • React (with Figplug)

Building the design token plugin

Let's start off with the flow we want the plugin to solve:


Working out some bugs, but I'll upload screenshots soon!

Have feedback?

I'd love to see if this was helpful or if there was anything I should look to update - let me know below!

Hey, I'm Ryan.👋

I'm a designer and .

More about me